Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Surgery Day

Caleb had surgery this morning to remove his tonsils and adenoids.  He has been very uncomfortable with a lot of pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc.  I gave him his medicines for both pain and nausea nearly 2 hours ago, and he threw up again not long afterward so I don't think he got much of the medicine into his system.  After an hour had passed I decided to go ahead and give him more medicine (half a dose) since I was pretty sure he didn't get to absorb all of the last dose and he was in so much pain.  He is now sleeping.  I think it is likely to be a long night. :(

Just waiting to get it over with.

Daddy got a smile by telling Caleb he had a present waiting at home from Daddy's coworkers.

Caleb got way happy when Daddy told him what it was - Captain America pajamas and movies!

Sleepy.  By this time he had had his breathing treatment but not anything else.

After the "happy juice."  It seemed to have no affect on him.  I think it's good he was so tired (I had let him stay up late and he had woke up early).  Since he had his loveys and special blanket and he was so sleepy it was easy for him to get relaxed.  He wasn't actually asleep yet in this picture, just resting while he waited to be taken back.  

He crashed on the couch as soon as he came home.

These last 2 pictures are from the night BEFORE surgery.  He woke up Monday morning with a missing tooth.  He was distraught when we couldn't find the tooth and thought he had swallowed it.  Thankfully we ended up finding it further on down in the bed.  Since his teeth do not come out easily I was happy to have it gone, and he was happy to have his money from the tooth fairy!

I can't wait to see my sweet boy's smile again! 


Cheri said...

Well, he looks so good after surgery. I had my tonsils out many years ago. It was not fun.

dental implants chandler said...

Hello Jennifer!
At this moment I am just overwhelmed by what you do. I saw your family website too. It's just wonderful. This is a heavenly job you are doing. Will be waiting for your next blog stating your next journey to China.
Best of luck and Keep it up!!!